This course is no longer accepting new registrations.
Registration price includes access to Pride Learning Institute, six-month unlimited access to the course modules, case studies and mock test. Reading materials are not included in the cost of the course.
Target Audience: Licensed/Certified Medical Professional (i.e. PT, OT), DME Provider Staff (Sales, Marketing, Management), Technician/Repair Specialist
Course Description: This self-study course is designed to provide exam candidates with materials to help with preparation for the RESNA ATP Examination. The course is intended for individuals familiar with wheelchairs and seating & positioning, and therefore expands upon other areas of interest such as ECUs, Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC), computer access, and ergonomics. The course will provide attendees with reading assignments, recorded modules and case study questions which may assist in preparing the participant to sit for the ATP exam. The course will also go over information about the exam content and question breakdown percentages, as well as critically important standardized test taking strategies. This course includes practice examination questions with explanation and discussion of the answers/methodologies for coming up with the correct answer.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of the course the participant will be able to:
1. Discuss exam content and knowledge areas that can to successful completion of credential exam.
2. Review and discuss 3 test taking strategies for
standardized exams.
3. Use basic seating & positioning concepts to describe 2 clinical products and 2 technologies that would improve independence.
4. Using their personal pre-test performance, identify 3 areas for additional preparation for ATP exam.
Hours # 1 & 2: Class overview, Standards of practice, Ethics, How to take the exam, Reading assignments
Hours # 3 & 4: Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Reading assignments, Case studies
Hours # 5 & 6: Computer access, Electronic Aids to Daily Living, Ergonomics, Visual and Hearing Impairments, Reading assignments, Case study questions
Hours # 7 & 8: Stages of Development, Basic Anatomy, Diagnoses Review, SCI Overview, AT Vocabulary, Reading assignments,
Case study and questions
Hour # 9 & 10: AT Interventions, Service Delivery Model, Seating Evaluation, Wheelchair Selection, Pressure Management, Outcome Measures, Reading assignments, Complete the case study questions
Hour # 11 & 12: Read RESNA Position papers, Complete case study questions, Complete final test questions.
Instructional Methods: Lecture, Topic Specific Exercises, Reading Assignments
Pre-requisites: None
Course Level: Beginner / Review
ADA: If you require ADA accommodations, please contact the Education Department (Education@PrideMobility.com).
The RESNA Professional Standards Board does not develop, administer, sponsor, endorse, or financially benefit from any type of exam review, preparatory course or published materials related to the content of the certification examinations. The purchase and/or use of any exam preparation material does not guarantee a passing score on the exam.