Quantum Rehab & Pride Mobility Products Corporation now offer recorded webinars via a Learning Management System (LMS) to provide online/on-demand CEC educational opportunities.
After watching the entire presentation, the certificate will be available for download under the Achievements tab. Due to the product specific content, CEUs are NOT available, but contact hours will be provided.
The following courses are being offered in our Product In-Services Recorded Webinar Series:
Driving for Safety and Function - Programming Driving Parameters and Power Positioning Functions using Q-Logic 3 Electronics (1hrs/1.0 CECs)
Interactive Assist: A New Level of Support (1hr/1.0 CECs)
Single Switch Scanning: A Real Viable Option (1hrs/ 1.0 CECs)
The Clinician's Swiss Army Knife: Q-Logic 3 Clinic Mode (1hrs/1.0 CECs)
If you have previously attended one of our live webinars, you already have access!
- Go to https://pridelearninginstitute.litmos.com/
- Username: Your email address
- Password: (the one you created for the post webinar quiz)
- Click on Content Library at the top of the page.
- On the left of the screen, click on either:
Courses – to see a list of all courses available to you.
Learning Paths / Recorded Webinars – To see the recorded webinars.
- Documentation for the webinars is available on the Additional Reference page.
- The certificate will be on the Achievements tab when complete.