Purchase of this course will provide access to the recorded webinar version of the course below.
Target Audience: Rehab Professional (ATP, SMS, CRTS), Technician Repair Specialist
Course Description: This course is designed to assist a technician in some common troubleshooting scenarios. It goes through common error codes, both with the handheld programmer in some scenarios and how to properly set a Multi-meter in order to troubleshoot and more simplistic approaches, such as how to plug the joystick directly into the power base (if the power chair has power positioning) to narrow down the troubleshooting. The agenda is:
No Power
Testing out the Charger
Motor/Brake Disconnect
Chair stuck in Drive Lockout
Chair will not Tilt
Programmer does not power up
Adjusting for a veering turn
Caster Sensor troubleshooting
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of the course the participant will be able to:
Set their multimeter correctly to test battery voltage, test resistance and test continuity
Apply the EMPU approach to common troubleshooting scenarios
Distinguish when to use a programmer versus when to use a multimeter
Pre-requisites: None
Hour 1
Introduction, Agenda and covering the EMPU approach
Coverage of the 8 scenarios, making sure to review the EMPU approach with each scenario and verifying that the learner’s multimeters are set properly and that their programmers are getting the correct readings.
Review and Wrap up
Course Level: All Levels
Instructional Methods: Lecture, Discussion
Quantum Rehab/Pride Mobility Products Corp. has been approved as an Accredited Provider #1307743 (Valid through 2/28/26) by the International Association for Continuing Education & Training (IACET) 21670 Ridgetop Circle, Suite 170, Sterling, VA 20166: (703) 763-0705.