Purchase of this course will provide access to the recorded webinar version of the course below.
0.0 AOTA CEUs/1 Contact Hours
Target Audience: Technician/Repair Specialist
Course Description: This course will review how to program and setup Q-Logic 3 electronics with the Econ programming station (Econ programming steps are the same as the handheld programmer). It is important for a technician to have the knowledge on how to program and optimize the driving parameters, so the end user is comfortable with controlling their power wheelchair capabilities.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of the course the participant will be able to:
- Name (3) programmable drive parameters.
- Name (2) ways to use the monitor feature to benefit with programming parameters.
- List (3) devices that can be paired with the q-logic 3 using Bluetooth.
- List (3) benefits of Interactive Assist.
Pre-requisites: None
Hour 1
- Adjusting the total seat angle: the why’s and how to adjust in the programming.
- Adjusting the drive parameters: the why’s and how to adjust in programming.
- Adjusting the joystick setup: the why’s and how to adjust in programming.
- Bluetooth: the why’s and how to enable in programming.
- Interactive Assist: setting up the app on the consumers phone, then the why’s and how’s it’s beneficial for both the consumer and provider to use.
Course Level: Beginner / Review
Instructional Methods: Lecture, Discussion
AOTA Classification Code: N/A
Quantum Rehab/Pride Mobility Products Corp. has been approved as an Accredited Provider #1307743 (Valid through 2/28/26) by the International Association for Continuing Education & Training (IACET) 21670 Ridgetop Circle, Suite 170, Sterling, VA 20166: (703) 763-0705.