Purchase of this course will provide access to the recorded webinar version of the course below.
Course Code: CA0922h-1
0.1 AOTA CEUs/1 Contact Hours
Target Audience: Licensed/Certified Medical Professional (i.e. PT, OT), Rehab Professional (ATP, SMS, CRTS), Reimbursement & Billing Specialists
Course Description: This course is intended to build off the basic principles of power seating utilization to highlight one of the primary utilizations of skin protection/pressure distribution. We will review what the current literature recommendations are for an effective pressure relief from a power seating system with the recommended angles of tilt and recline. Along with this review we will match up the clinical guidelines in utilization of pressure mapping which is a common tool used many times to help with seating surface selection. What we will evaluate in this presentation is the utilization of pressure mapping unique to an individual, not only in application for cushion selection, but review the objective findings and application to education and evaluate the utilization and need for recommended power seating functions. Case study examples will be provided as an example of this application along with discussion on application and evaluation with each individual and how the unique presentation of the client and power seating/support surface selection can be objectively documented.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of the course the participant will be able to:
1. Distinguish 3 recommended angles to be achieved using power seating functions shown in the literature to optimize pressure distribution for skin protect.
2. Analyze 2 considerations for utilizing pressure mapping parameters for consideration of seating surface selection.
3. Differentiate 2 bony landmarks displayed on pressure mapping case examples and describe changes noted with different power seating functions applied.
Pre-requisites: Basic understanding of power seating functions and what they do/are. Recommended to review and have awareness of the RESNA position paper on tilt, recline, and elevating leg rests. Previous experience with participation in prescription of power mobility with power seating functions.
Hour 1
- Review of literature on proper pressure relief techniques and angles using power seating functions
- Review literature of pressure mapping practices and clinical practice recommendations in relation to seating surface selection and interpretation of data
- Demonstrate through a case study the impact of proper cushion selection in combination with the recommended power seating function angles to achieve pressure relief/distribution
- Discuss how to continue to apply this to unique individuals and build objective documentation to support these findings
Course Level: Intermediate
Instructional Methods: Lecture, Discussion, Demonstration
AOTA Classification Code: OT Service Delivery, Foundational Knowledge
Quantum Rehab/Pride Mobility Products Corporation is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Course approval ID# 5436. This live course is offered at 0.1 CEUs (Intermediate, OT Service Delivery). The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.
ADA: If you require ADA accommodations, please contact the Education Department (Education@PrideMobility.com).